#storyoftheworld #거북선#bica#라연재 비카 세계사 수업
The Story of the World Book3에 이순신 장군, 거북선, 임진왜란 이야기가 나온다. 자랑스런 거북선. 어떤 크래프트 보다 공과 시간을 더 들이고 싶다. 크래프트 만들면서 아이들에게 보여줄 이순신 장군의 영어 비디오도 다 찾아 놓았다. 한국도 세계사의 역사의 한 장을 차지 한다는 것을 보여 줄수 있어서 기쁘다. 한편, 이 수잔바우어의 세계사책 오점이 있다. 바로 Sea of EAST를 Sea of Japan으로 표시해 둔것. 그렇게 나올 때마다, 아이들에게 말해준다. "자 빨간펜 들고 지우고 East Sea 라고 쓰자 . Grab your red pen and cross out "Sea of Japan" and then write over. " 그리고 출판사에 항의 메일 보내자. After this class, if you want, please email the publisher. Here is the email address. See the email that our TA sent last summer." 지난 여름 세계사 캠프때에는 칼리지 인턴에게 항의메일 샘플을 작성해 아이들에게 보여주라고 하였다. 이번학기에도 아이들에게 항의 메일 쓰라고 할것이다. ( 이 책을 읽어보신 분이 계시면, 같이 항의해 주세요. 한국어로도 이미 오래전에 번역되어 있답니다.)

아래는 인턴이 쓴 이메일이다. info@welltrainedmind.com contactsusan@welltrainedmind.com
Hello, My name is Jacqueline Kim and I'm a college intern for Bridge International Christian Academy, or BICA, a summer camp where students in middle and high school read and study the Story of the World Volumes I and II. We have begun Camp 2, which follows Volume II, The Middle Ages, of the series. We noticed that in The Middle Ages , maps of Asia refer to the East Sea off the coast of Korea as the Sea of Japan. The term "Sea of Japan" was used internationally from the release of the 1929 IHO (International Hydrographic Organization) "Limits of Oceans and Seas", during which Korea was under Japanese occupation and thus could not participate in the publication process. However, the East Sea has been the name of this body of water according to Koreans for over 2,000 years not only in Korea, but also in world maps and older records of Japanese maps. In short, the East Sea was overwritten as the "Sea of Japan" by the colonizing Japanese. Respectfully, I and many other Korean readers would appreciate the change or clarification of the true name of this sea, the East Sea (동해), in future publications if or when the book is updated. We do not point any fingers or harbor resentment or hurt, only wish that historical records such as your books would reflect and take account of circumstances that may have obscured certain accuracies at the time of publication. This is coming from a long cultural struggle to overcome the injustices of colonization and revealing the truth about history, even a little at a time. As a nod to this, during our Mapwork Activities, we will be crossing out "Sea of Japan" and correcting it to the East Sea. We hope to see an update to this publication so that in the future, this is not necessary. Thank you for your time, Jacqueline Kim ———————————————